The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband by Natalie & Sebastian - Chapter 402

Chapter 402


Elizabeth seemed guilty when she saw Natalie and explained, “Jorge is doing much better now. He even brought me to work.” Jorge scratched the back of his head and smiled apologetically at Natalie. “I’m sorry. I was in a bad mood due to my withdrawals. And as for what happened with Elizabeth, I sincerely apologized to her. I won’t lose control again, and I will definitely appreciate her from now on.”

Elizabeth seemed guilty when she saw Natalie and explained, “Jorge is doing much better now. He even brought me to work.” Jorge scratched the back of his head and smiled apologetically at Natalie. “I’m sorry. I was in a bad mood due to my withdrawals. And as for what happened with Elizabeth, I sincerely apologized to her. I won’t lose control again, and I will definitely appreciate her from now on.”

Jorge’s words sounded sincere, but Natalie’s instincts told her not to trust him completely. She nodded coldly and entered the study, leaving Jorge behind. After saying goodbye to Jorge, Elizabeth hurried to catch up with Natalie. She explained that she wanted to give Jorge another chance because they had a good conversation, and he promised never to hurt her again.

Natalie’s heart sank, knowing that it was unlikely for domestic abuse to stop once it started. Jorge’s promise didn’t seem reliable. Natalie couldn’t understand how someone as insightful in her career as Elizabeth could be so weak and hesitant in love, staying in such a toxic relationship. “Do what you think is right. Only you know where it hurts. I can give you my opinion, but ultimately, it’s your choice and your life,” Natalie advised Elizabeth meaningfully before heading to the tea room for some water.

As Natalie absentmindedly listened to the water pouring from the dispenser, her mind wandered to what she had seen on her laptop the previous day. Unaware of her surroundings, she didn’t notice that her glass was almost full. Suddenly, she heard a soft warning. Startled, Natalie turned around to find Draco standing behind her. Draco frowned and took the cup from Natalie’s hands just in time. It was then that Natalie realized what had happened.

“Mr. Wesley, are you all right?” Natalie asked with concern, quickly apologizing to Draco and checking his hand for any signs of scalding.

Draco waved dismissively and placed the glass on the table. “I’m fine, but what about you? You seemed quite distracted just now,” he remarked, looking at her intently.

Natalie averted her gaze and replied, “I’m sorry. My mind was somewhere else…”

Draco’s kind eyes studied her face. “What’s going on? Are you under stress?” he inquired, sensing that something was bothering her.

Natalie shook her head, offering a slight smile, but it was evident that he hadn’t fully grasped the situation. His eyes appeared distant as he murmured, “No… What I saw on your laptop last night was so strange, it genuinely frightened me.”

Realizing that he didn’t wish to discuss it further, Natalie decided not to p**ss him. She trusted that if it was something truly troubling, Draco would confide in her when he was ready.

“Are you free this afternoon? We have a new colleague joining us,” Draco changed the subject, hoping to lighten the mood.

Natalie’s eyes lit up at the prospect of meeting a new designer. “Do we finally have a new addition to the team? Ever since Rosa left, it’s been just you, Elizabeth, and me handling the designs,” she exclaimed.

Draco chuckled softly. “Well, Dolores isn’t exactly a newcomer. She used to work here before and has now returned. You’ll meet her this afternoon,” he explained, satisfied that Natalie seemed more at ease.

With that, Draco retreated to his office, leaving Natalie to eagerly anticipate the arrival of their new colleague.

As expected, later that afternoon, Dolores entered the studio. Unlike the typically slender designers, Dolores had a slightly chubby figure. She wasn’t particularly tall, and her curly hair cascaded down to her shoulders. Her warm demeanor made her approachable, as she greeted everyone in the studio as if they were old friends.

Natalie introduced herself briefly, while Elizabeth remained silent, not even bothering to acknowledge Dolores’ presence. Natalie found this behavior peculiar and soon realized that everyone seemed to have a good rapport with Dolores, except for Elizabeth.

During their private lunch hour, Natalie couldn’t help but ask Elizabeth about the situation bet**en her and Dalores. After a brief silence, Elizabeth sighed and responded, “No, nothing happened. We were never really friends or anything like that. You see, Mr. Wesley had trained her for two years, and then he felt she was capable enough to work independently as a designer. However, her career didn’t gain much momentum in recent years, so she asked if she could come back to work here. The studio needed an extra hand, so Mr. Wesley agreed.”

Natalie sensed that there might be more to the story, but Elizabeth’s tone made it clear that she wasn’t pleased with the situation. Natalie had always liked Dalores and hoped to learn more about what had transpired bet**en them over time. Meanwhile, the workload in the studio had been piling up, even with Dalores’ return. Draco, the renowned figure behind w Marks Studio, insisted they needed one more assistant and assigned Dalores and Natalie to conduct interviews.

The announcement of the job opening attracted a long line of eager applicants within days. Natalie initially hesitated to participate in the interviews, feeling less qualified compared to Dalores. However, Draco assured her, saying, “You are more than capable of handling this, Natalie. I believe you will be a great help to the new assistant.” With a crooked smile, Natalie thanked Draco for his recognition, but deep down, she still felt uneasy.

The following day, after lunch, Dalores approached Natalie’s desk to strike up a conversation. However, she completely ignored Elizabeth, who maintained a serious exp**ssion and remained silent. Natalie’s curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn’t resist asking Elizabeth once again, this time in a hushed voice, “What happened bet**en you two?”

“Excuse me,” Elizabeth interjected hastily, wanting to add something, but Dolores interrupted her.

Dolores approached Natalie with a cheerful tone, saying, “Hey, Natalie! Mind if I sit next to you? I’d love to chat.”

Natalie smiled awkwardly, realizing there was no polite way to reject Dolores. She reluctantly nodded, and Dolores took a seat beside her, striking up a conversation.

“I’ve seen your work before, Natalie. You’re incredibly talented. I’m sure you could become a successful freelance designer in the future. Your family would support you, especially considering the White family’s connections in the fashion industry. With your talent and their support, you have a bright future ahead,” Dolores flattered.

